What Are You Holding Onto?


What are you holding onto right now?

Letting go of things that don’t bring us joy was all the rage last year, but it seems that no matter how much stuff we get rid of – whether it’s physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual clutter – more stuff comes in to fill its place.

Clearing things out is more of an ongoing process than an event, at least in my experience.

This morning, I found that I had something I was carrying around and storing in my hip.

Yes, my hip.

If you’re not familiar with the concept of storing our emotions in our bodies quite yet, I invite you to pay attention to how your body feels the next time someone cuts you off in traffic or you get really irritated with something at work. Notice if you feel tightness or discomfort in your jaw, your neck, or your stomach. Maybe even your chest.

It’s not just anger and irritation that get stored in our physical bodies, but other things, as well.

Old stories about who we are and what we contribute to the world. Outdated beliefs about the possibilities the world holds for us and whether we can change our existing circumstances should we so choose.


My morning walk partner…

Back to my morning walk again - I noticed my hip began to hurt. It’s been bothering me a lot lately, but this morning it seemed ok.

When it kicked in today, I was climbing up a steep hill near my house.

I felt my body tighten, perhaps an instinctual response to protect the joint or lessen the pain.

It didn’t work.

I paused for a moment, closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and just mentally checked in on the area.

I felt in an instant that it was something emotional going on, not a physical problem. I wasn’t sure what it was. But I also didn’t need to know anything other than I could physically continue if I made some adjustments.

So I did.

I noticed how I had unconsciously clenched up around the area and had altered my gait in response to the pain.


I realized I had made assumptions that it was going to be a problem this morning.

I observed that I changed that and relaxed, breathed more deeply, and allowed my other joints to move more completely with each step – my ankles, my knees, my other hip.

It worked. I felt better, completed the 3 miles, and got home with no further problems.

After I returned, I sat and reflected for a few minutes on what might have been happening. I uncovered a “thing” I had been holding onto – it was a grudge towards someone I thought I had released a long time ago. I sat with it for a few, contemplated what I still needed to forgive, sent them a little positivity and a mental apology, then let it go.

I felt even better.

If you have some ache or pain bothering you today, stop for a moment to notice how your body is reacting around it. Open your mind to the possibility that it’s something emotional then get to work on letting it go. Perhaps there’s a lot of work to do – if so, stay on it – but sometimes just acknowledging and releasing it is enough.

We don’t have to hold on to things that don’t serve us or that weigh us down. Letting go is simply a matter of choice.

Working with a life coach can change your perspective on… well, a lot of things! Book a free 30 minute chat if you would like to find out if coaching with us is for you.


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Feeling Better When Surrounded by Chaos