Recognize the 3 Kinds of Burnout and Learn How to Fix Them

Happy Halloween!

If you feel like you’re constantly wearing a happy face on the outside to mask the burnout you’re feeling inside, today may be the day you can take that costume off for good. Odds are it isn’t fooling anyone.

It’s natural for energy levels to fluctuate from day to day, but full-fledged burnout can undermine your happiness and derail your career. Take a look at the different kinds of burnout and some strategies for dealing with them.


Researchers at a Spanish university discovered at least 3 distinct subtypes of burnout – burnout caused by overload, boredom, and just being worn down and out over time. What they all have in common is the potential to leave you feeling drained and hopeless if they’re allowed to continue and build up unaddressed over time.


Finding more meaningful connection to the work you do is the best protection of all, but if you are not sure where to start on that journey, it may take awhile until you get there. While you’re searching for that deeper career fulfillment (another topic altogether), these techniques will help your workdays feel less taxing.


Overload Burnout:
This may be you if you typically push yourself to exhaustion. You may also be prone to complaining about office policies and practices that seem to hold you back as a way of venting your frustrations. You are likely sacrificing your own physical health and wellbeing for your job. Your family may be asking you to stop working so hard or be more present when you are at home.

 1.      Set reasonable goals. Be realistic about your capacity and schedule. Calculate what it will take to complete a project before you commit. Learn to say no. Anticipate what additional resources you may require and ask for them before you need them.
2.      Focus on solutions. Even if your complaints are valid, chronic complaining may darken your mood and drive people away. Brainstorm and propose constructive alternatives when faced with a challenging situation.
3.      Review your accomplishments. Make a list of your significant victories and their importance. Relive the time you negotiated a great deal or brought in an amazing client.
4.      Work on your personal life. Excessive hours at the office could be a sign that you’re trying to compensate for shortcomings in other aspects of your life. Engage in spiritual practices, strengthen your relationships, or take up a hobby. Calendar your priorities outside of work and treat them as appointments you must keep.

Boredom Burnout:

Maybe you feel like you’re coasting at work. People experiencing this type of burnout also tend to be vulnerable to cynicism, neglect and avoid obligations, and avoid difficult issues to distance themselves from the boring work.

 1.      Tackle a challenge. Volunteer for a demanding assignment. Pick something that will give you a chance to acquire new knowledge and learn additional skills. Brainstorm ideas of things you can do at work that are more interesting and integrate them into your work. Good employers will value and reward your efforts.
2.      Look on the bright side. Counter cynicism by reflecting on the positive qualities of the people and events you encounter. Remind yourself of all the wonderful things you have to be grateful for and document them daily for awhile to remind yourself of the good things you have in life.
3.      Socialize more. You can find stimulation and purpose, even if your job consists of routine tasks. Just concentrate on what you can do to help others. Brighten your supervisor’s day by delivering a sincere compliment or please a customer or client by being extra attentive.
4.      Communicate directly. Train yourself to address conflicts head on. Be tactful when you say what’s on your mind. Ask for what you truly want.

Worn Out Burnout:

If you have worthy goals but find it difficult to achieve them, this could describe you. You’ve tried things in the past, attempted to set and reach goals, then feel disappointed when things don’t work out – you’ve basically given up at this point. Ask yourself if your motivation sinks when you encounter barriers and stress.

 1.      Plan ahead. Take the long view when you’re starting a project. Picture the typical obstacles that you’ll likely meet along the way and be prepared to address them. Figure out who you can contact for expert advice or where you can locate additional assistance.
2.      Develop relaxation techniques. Stress is part of most jobs and shows up in life in lots of ways. Identify and rely on methods that dissolve tension for you. Listen to instrumental music, pet your dog, sign up for yoga classes, or find an active stress reliever like kick boxing or tennis.
3.      Renew your motivation. Give yourself periodic reminders of why your work is important to you. You may discover multiple sources of gratification, including supporting your family and contributing to society. Explore volunteer work if it fits within your schedule, as it may lead you to discover another area in which you may want to work.

Before you consider handing in your resignation, spot your personal brand of burnout and spend a bit of time to see if you can overcome it in your current job before moving on. Otherwise you may just keep repeating the same patterns at different jobs. If this happens, you’ll just be feeling burned out and stressed out by the pressure of learning a new job in a new community and dealing with the same old issues anyway. Taking constructive action can make your job less stressful and more satisfying. If you eventually discover what is truly causing your burnout now and address it, you’re more likely to find satisfaction in your next role, whatever it may be.



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